Masterclass sur le reportage de guerre et les conflits contemporains
Masterclass on War Reporting and Contemporary Conflicts
(Informations & Contact :

“Traces of Humanity: a journey through a certain idea of dignity, courage, and heroism”
WARM Academy
Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
11 July 2024

“War Reporting”
Mahala Magazine
Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
29 May 2021

“Why Truth Matters”
Young Leadership Programme
Sarajevo Fest Arts & Politics
Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
7 December 2019

“Le monde de l’après 11-Septembre”
Mémorial Caen-Normandie
Caen, France
5 octobre 2019

“Le reportage de guerre”
Lycée Arcisse de Caumont
Prix Bayeux Calvados-Normandie des Correspondants de guerre
Bayeux, France
1-4 octobre 2019